Theatre as Communal Experience
A Workshop

Our lives are communal; we need to be social to survive.
AstaroTheatro has a long history of community creation.
Theatre becomes an empowering act of artistic and human blossoming in the direction of communal experience and collaborative sharing.
Hence this workshop where participants engage in the process of authorship through multiple discussions, self-representation, improvisations, learning to feel the others and the space. Egos are tamed, the collective creates.
There is no separation or hierarchy among body, mind and spoken word.
We communicate simultaneously with all our faculties – a lesson easily learned, but in practice a never-ending journey of rise and fall. All this makes for inspiring moments during our workshop. We learn to work with our body, our breath, our voice in a non-judgemental way. We explore the space and we interact with the other performers. New exercises are welcome and constantly proposed. We are in the process of learning that physical exercises, improvisations and experiments allow the body to introduce new ideas. The body does the thinking, in a way. We seek a deeper interaction by ‘feeling’ the other performers while at the same time being a total actor.
Who I am is because of you.
Anyone can do theater, even actors. And theater can be done everywhere. Even in a theater
Augusto Boal
This theatre workshop explores the basics of the performative practice: posture, movement, presence, body, the other in the space, games and the voice in many of its expressions.
Our voices engage in spoken word, text and poetry in order to reach the poetry performance: from poetry to theatre.
Our work will be inspired by theatre masters like Jerzy Grotowski, Jurij Alschitz, Augusto Boal and AstaroTheatro’s own experience. But above all our practice will originate from ourselves: our memories, stories and skills. Theatre becomes the discovery that each of us is able to tell and to tell about ourselves.
How to create while one is controlled by others, how to create without the security of creation, how to find a security which is inevitable if we want to express ourselves
Jerzy Grotowski

Five sessions open to everyone from the unexperienced person to the more experienced theatre practitioner.
5 sessions: 23, 30 April; 7, 14, 21 May 14:30-17:00.
Please contact us for more information:
AstaroTheatro Sint Janssstraat 37 Amsterdam
Tel 06 25382491